Christopher Ochoa
“Christopher has very unique needs like any other child. Not only does he have cerebral palsy, but he is also trach dependent and oxygen dependent, so he is medically involved. As Christopher’s mom – I don’t want to limit him based on a diagnosis and believe that Christopher is going to write his own story. At first we were nervous, about how riding was going to work logistically with all of his equipment. But as soon as Christopher sat on the horse, I saw that big smile on his face - from ear to ear and I just couldn’t hold back my tears. This child who was not given a great prognosis in life -this little miracle baby riding a horse - it was the best feeling in the world.
Since riding, I’ve seen stronger trunk control and he’s able to sit up a little stronger now, not independently yet but it’s a work in progress. What might seem like a small improvement to others is a huge milestone, and we celebrate rightfully so as parents. Christopher is now able to support his head independently. Before he needed a lot more assistance. I do think that what he does at Carousel Ranch is so unique and it just works him out in a different way that is more natural for him and he has to engage all his muscles at the same time. I definitely think Carousel Ranch is a unique approach in therapy and absolutely beneficial for my son – I think it’s made a world of difference for him and he has fun. As for his other therapies, I can’t really say that!”