• Carousel Ranch

    Carousel Ranch

    A place where therapy is disguised as fun...

  • Carousel Ranch

    Carousel Ranch

    A place where therapy is disguised as fun...

  • Carousel Ranch

    Carousel Ranch

    A place where therapy is disguised as fun...

  • Carousel Ranch

    Carousel Ranch

    A place where therapy is disguised as fun...

  • Carousel Ranch

    Carousel Ranch

    A place where therapy is disguised as fun...

  • Carousel Ranch

    Carousel Ranch

    A place where therapy is disguised as fun...

Our Mission

Carousel Ranch is dedicated to improving the lives of children and young adults with special needs. Through both our equestrian therapy and vocational training programs, we strive to create an atmosphere where every student can and will succeed…a place where therapy is disguised as fun.

Equestrian Therapy

At Carousel Ranch, equestrian therapy takes our students into a new, unexplored world, and provides a sense of independence and freedom that defies their disability. Exercises performed on the back of the horse challenge our riders in ways that they have seldom been challenged before.


Ready To Work!

This program prepares young adults with special needs for what's next after high school. Combining a classroom curriculum with real work experiences is what makes RTW! unique.

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Our Story

In July of 1997, Carousel Ranch was started by Becky Graham and Denise Redmond. The program began with one student and one horse in Becky’s neighbor’s backyard. Sometimes it is hard to believe that so much has happened over 25 years, and today the Ranch is so much more than we ever dared to dream.


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Written by Rick Delia, Cody’s dad & former Carousel Ranch Board President

I think back to the end of 1998 / beginning of 1999. I believe that was the time frame when Cody started. He was such a little guy at the time. We were right at the beginning stages of understanding what we needed to do to help him start to succeed. We were dealing with doctors and specialists and therapists and grandparents and...the list goes on. About 6 months prior we had found out that our son had a stroke before he was born. We assembled a team of clinical staff that went to work right away doing what they could to help him. For an infant, doctors and therapists are not a lot of fun. We needed to add a component that was not only challenging, but FUN!

And…we found Carousel Ranch!!

From the moment we stepped foot on their property, we felt like we were part of the family. Denise and Becky were so warm, friendly, caring and knowledgeable. But, most importantly, they were fun! They explained everything to us. From that first experience on the back of the horse - Cody was a different little boy. The smile on his face could light up a room. He couldn't wait to get to therapy, and he wouldn't want to leave. It never ceased to amaze me how much fun he had. He progressed through the years from being assisted on both sides of the horse, to just one side, to riding by himself. At times, he would ride with other riders. Together, Becky would have them going through their "therapy" assisting each other, building a relationship not only with Becky, but with one another. Cody rode at the Ranch until 2014 when we moved to North Carolina. He was 16 years old, and ALWAYS looked forward to going each week. Cody is now a successful baseball player. He doesn't have a lot of use of the right side of his body, but when you see him come up to bat, you better move back. Even though he only bats with one hand, he can still hit the ball out of the stadium almost every time he comes up to bat.

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Chase is six years old, diagnosed with autism and rides on Saturday mornings. These words from his mom say so much about some of the ways that he benefits from his time at Carousel Ranch...

"We recently traveled back to Chicago, which is where I grew up, to visit family and friends. I have flown with Chase 4 times. Each time was incredibly hard. The airport is extremely loud, and can be too much for Chase sensory wise. So much so, that one time we almost were not allowed to board the airplane because Chase couldn’t calm his body, had intense anxiety and was having pretty big meltdowns.

So every time I travel I always have a friend or my mom travel with us to help support us on the plane. This year my mom flew to California 3 days before we were going to go to Chicago so she could be there to help me. The plan was she was going to fly here early, we would all fly to Chicago together, she would then fly back to California to help get us back home and then purchased a one way flight back to Chicago. Needless to say, this is how we have ALWAYS had to travel.

We always prep Chase a week or so before we plan on traveling. We give him play by plays of what we are going to do and in what order, so he knows what to expect. So I started prepping him about our travels and he was receiving the information really well. He asked how long we were going to be gone for and I told him 12 days.


Jimmy recently completed the Ready to Work! program and we couldn't be more proud of him!

In the words of his mom...

"That was a fabulous ending to an incredible program. Your program has given us new hope! The doctor insisted that Jimmy would never be able to work and support himself. He was greatly discouraged, thus the bravado. While it may be true that he will need some subsidy, he can still work and be a contributing, valuable member of society. You have done an incredible job and it is literally life altering for my son.

Jimmy gained skills, confidence, knowledge and appropriate workplace behavior and an excellent work ethic. I cannot imagine where my son would have gained all of this without this program. He is now truly "work ready" where he was nowhere near "work ready" before. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this viable, critical program that has set my son up for success in life!"

**Jimmy was one of two students that recently worked a shift at Wolf Creek Restaurant (photo above) shadowing a server. He is now participating in Desert Haven (an employment program in the Antelope Valley), volunteering at the Acton Market and volunteering at Carousel Ranch on Saturdays. He is working hard toward having a paid position one day.


Our Multi-Year Partners & Foundations

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